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Sustainable Quality Management

SMMY31, 7,5 credits The course aims to provide students with theoretical and conceptual knowledge and practical skills for managing and sustaining quality in organizational contexts. The course consists of three parts. The first part introduces the historical development and evolutions of managing quality in organizational contexts. In the second part the students are introduced to key concepts, d - 2025-03-15

Start of the spring semester 2025

Welcome to our department this coming spring semester – both new and current students. Welcome new students!What are you studying?The Fashion Market: Innovation and Fashion Forecasting (SESA01)The Fashion Market: Fashion Communication and Sustainability (SESA02)Master's programmeWelcome back! The semester starts 20th of January. Year 1: Methods in Social Science (SMMX21)Course introduction: 2024-0 - 2025-03-15

What Khan says about the Master's in Service Management, Supply Chain Management

Khan Kasi, Business developer at IKEA in SwitzerlandWhat did you do before you started studying the Master’s programme in Service Management?Before joining the program, I was involved in managing Quality Management Systems and Information Security Management Systems. Specifically, I worked on implementing ISO standards, conducting internal audits, and ensuring compliance. This included obtaining c - 2025-03-15

Syllabi and reading lists

Autumn Semester 2024 Semester 1SMMX11 Introduction to Service Management (7.5 credits) 2/9 – 1/10-24SyllabusReading listExaminerFor specialisation Culture and Creativity ManagementSMMV12 Introduction to Culture and Creativity Management (7.5 credits) 2/10 – 31/10-24SyllabusReading listExaminerFor specialisation Retailing and ConsumptionSMMM13 Introduction to Retailing and Consumption (7.5 credits) - 2025-03-15

What Alexandra says about the Master's in Service Management, Tourism

Alexandra Rosu, Application Consultant at PageroWhat did you do before you started studying the Master’s programme in Service Management?I got my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Public Service from Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova. After that, my background consists of a mix between internships and a few years of experience in the hospitality industry.Why did you choose Sweden - 2025-03-15

Beyond Site/Sight's Community

Get to know the participants of the CROCUS conference Beyond Site/Sight. As a preparation for Beyond site/sight we ask all participants to reflect on place and placemaking in relation to their own practice. Parts of the reflections was published in the Beyond Site/Sight publication, edited by Jörgen Dahlqvist, Ida de Wit Sandström, Cecilia Fredriksson, Marie Ledendal and Robert Willim. Reflections - 2025-03-15

What Jens says about the Master's in Service Management, Tourism

Name: Jens RadmannSpecialisation: TourismGraduation year: 2022Current workplace and position: Project manager with a focus on events at Företagarna/The Entrepreneurs organization What did you do before you started studying the master’s programme in Service Management?I graduated from Umeå University with a bachelor’s degree in human Geography, focusing on Tourism. During the summer break, before s - 2025-03-15

What Afina says about the Master's in Service Management, Retail

Afina from Indonesia What is the best thing about the Service Management programme?The programme has a well-designed syllabus. It really guides students to understand the theories and concepts that are useful for practice in the industry and also for lifelong learning. Additionally, the course design usually provides useful workshops for students to do well in assignments and examinations.Why did - 2025-03-15

What Terence says about the Master's in Service Management, Supply Chain Management

Terence from Mauritius Why did you choose the Supply Chain specialisation?The Supply chain specialization is something that I have had an interest in as it has an organizational thinking and problem-solving aspect to it, which I enjoy. I knew that I wanted to work with people while still having that supply chain aspect in my life and Service Management provided me with a combination of both worlds - 2025-03-15

Introduction to Sustainability

SMMX15, 7,5 credits The course provides students with an introduction to the history and philosophies of sustainability and sustainable development from a social science perspective. Theoretical key concepts such as ecological modernization, environmental governance and the Anthropocene are critically discussed in economic, organizational and justice-based contexts.More information:SyllabusReading - 2025-03-15

Syllabi and reading lists

Spring 2025 Semester 2SMMX21 Methods in Social Sciences (15 credits)SyllabusReading listExaminerFor specialisation Culture and Creativity ManagementSMMX22 Service Development and Entrepreneurship (15 credits)SyllabusReading listExaminerFor specialisation Retailing and ConsumptionSMMM23 Digitalizing Stores (7.5 credits)SyllabusReading listExaminerSMMM24 Retail Development and Places (7.5 credits)Sy - 2025-03-15

Statement of Intention to Register Autumn Semester 2024

To confirm your plans to study at the Master Programme in Service Management for the start in 2024, please fill in this SIR form (Statement of Intention to Register) no later than June 2. Name: (required) Address: (required) Postaladdress: (required) Country (required) Email (required) I am admitted to the Master Programme in Service Management, with specialisation: (required) Culture and Creativi - 2025-03-15

Welcome to a Workshop on Intercultural Competence 12th of December, 2024

Dear master students on the course SMMV18, We are happy to invite you to a workshop on how to become interculturally competent. Guest lecturer is Lu Yi Nilsson, international coordinator at the Social Science Faculty. During the workshop, we will explore what intercultural competence is, why it’s essential in today’s world, and how it represents a lifelong learning journey. We’ll also cover interc - 2025-03-15


Behöver du kontakta din forskningssjuksköterska?  Mottagningen i MalmöMaria Hyllengren : 040-39 19 12 (SINT1A, GRAIN i Malmö)Sofie Alström Mortin: 040-39 19 10 (ASTR1D, SINT1A) Anette Sjöberg: 040-39 19 21 (PreCiSe, GRaIn, TEDDY)Terese Gudmundsson: 040-39 19 11 (PreCiSe, GRaIn)Mottagningen i HelsingborgSusanne Hyberg: 042 -406 39 27 (PreCiSe, GRaIn, TEDDY)Terese Wiktorsson 042-406 39 21 (PreCiSe, - 2025-03-15


Den Globala Plattformen för Prevention av Autoimmun Diabetes (GPPAD) initierades år 2015. GPPAD är ett nätverk bestående av forskare, professionella och akademiska institutioner och har studiecentran i fem europeiska länder, Belgien, Tyskland, Polen, Storbritannien och Sverige. Tillsammans skapar vi en internationell infrastruktur för primärpreventiva studier avseende typ 1-diabetes.Dessa studier - 2025-03-15


Supplementation with B. INfantis for Mitigation of Type 1 Diabetes Autoimmunity Nu är studien fullrekryterad, februari 2024. Vad är SINT1A-studien? SINT1A-studien (Supplementation with B. INfantis for Mitigation of Type 1 Diabetes Autoimmunity) är en vetenskaplig studie för spädbarn med ökad risk för typ 1-diabetes. Spädbarn upp till sex veckors ålder kan inkluderas i studien. Målet med studien är - 2025-03-15

Forskning om celiaki

Mer gluten ökar risk för celiakiöppnas i nytt fönsterArtikel med Carin Andrén Aronsson (                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Nya rön: Mäng - 2025-03-15

Vad är celiaki?

Celiaki - glutenintolerans Celiaki, som även kallas för glutenintolerans, är en kronisk sjukdom som orsakas av överkänslighet mot gluten. Denna överkänslighet leder till skador på slemhinnan i tarmen som i sin tur leder till att kroppen inte kan ta upp näringen i maten på ett normalt sätt. Celiaki är en autoimmun sjukdom, precis som typ 1-diabetes, och man tror att både genetiska och miljöfaktorer - 2025-03-15

Om besöken

Detta händer vid besöken i POInT-studien Besök 1 till 8 ingår i interventionsfasen, besök 9-16 i uppföljningsfasen. Interventionsfasen:Besök 1 (Baseline)Ålder: 4-7 månaderVägningMätningTa första kapselnBlodprovstagning och kapillärt blodsocker efter 30, 60 och 120 minuter efter intag av kapseln.Besök 2Ålder: 6-9 månaderVägningMätningKapseln tas på mottagningenBlodprovstagning och kapillärt blodsoc - 2025-03-15


Primär oral insulinterapi (Primary Oral Insulin Trial) POInT-studien är avslutad och nu följer väntan på att koden ska knäckas om vilka som fått placebo och vilka som fått oralt insulin och om det haft någon effekt. Förhoppningsvis får deltagarna reda på det till hösten 2025. Informationen kommer att ges till alla familjer som deltagit innan resultatet från studien officiellt publiceras. I POInT u - 2025-03-15